Pre-pack: Pre-packaged liquidation

Pre-pack. Pre-packaged liquidation.
Revolutionary way of acquiring enterprises in crisis.

Pre-packaged liquidation (pre-pack, similiar to US pre-pack and UK pre-packaged administration) is a new possibility in Polish law, allowing quick sale-purchase of insolvent debtor’s assets to investor, within insolvency proceedings, without auction or tender. Pre-pack is intended for selling enterprise an a going concern, with execution sale effect, meaning that the investor is not liable for old liabilities and commitments of the debtor.
Pre-pack in practice, as an effective way of restructuring enterprises in crisis is the speciality of our Law Firm.
We successfully advised our Clients in first such proceedings in Poland.
Below you can see short PowerPoint presentation regarding this legal institution.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Law Firm.

Report: Pre-pack – Institution of prepared liquidation in the first year of its implementation in Poland
Prepack prepared liquidation slide 2
Presentation: Pre-Pack ENG
Pre Pack English version slide 1