Tatara & Partners Restructuring & Insolvency Law Firm

The Tatara & Partners Restructuring & Insolvency Law Firm combines the issues of insolvency law and reorganization proceedings with widely understood commercial law, in particular with company law and capital markets and securities law. As regards insolvency law and reorganization proceedings, our Firm offers the following services:

  • providing support to a corporate debtor filing for the declaration of insolvency by liquidation of its assets or with the possibility to make an arrangement, including consumer bankruptcy, especially of sole traders or former members of management boards,;
  • providing support to a debtor in the insolvency proceedings, in particular in the insolvency proceedings with the possibility to make an arrangement; we handle preparing arrangement proposals along with the funding proposals, including debt-to-equity swaps, assisting with the process of adopting the arrangement at the Meeting of Creditors and approving the arrangement by the insolvency court,
  • providing support to a creditor filing a petition for the declaration of insolvency of a debtor, as well as providing support to such creditor after the insolvency has been declared, such as filing claims, applying for the exemption of an asset from the insolvency estate, representing a creditor on the Creditors’ Committee,
  • providing legal support to other persons and entities interested in participation in the insolvency proceedings, such as trustees, court supervisors, investors, etc.

Our Firm’s practice covers also widely understood restructuring processes, including:

  • capital restructuring of legal entities and capital groups, in particular by transformation, merger, acquisition or division as defined under the Commercial Companies and Partnerships Code, transformation of the sole traders conducting business activity into a company, restructuring by applying in-kind contribution mechanisms, such as enterprise or its organized part. The restructuring of the legal form in terms of shareholders’ or directors’ and officers’ liability is taken into account in the restructuring process.
  • debt restructuring in the form of an arrangement with creditors in the insolvency proceedings with the possibility to make an arrangement, negotiations and making arrangements and out-of-court settlements, making arrangements in respect of installment repayments with the Social Insurance Institution, the Tax Authority and other public creditors.

W zakresie świadczonej pomocy prawnej Kancelaria współpracuje z wyspecjalizowanymi doradcami, takimi jak: doradcy podatkowi, biegli rewidenci, biegli sądowi, rzeczoznawcy majątkowi, rzecznicy patentowi.